Captain Black Pipe Tobacco Buy Captain Black Pipe Tobacco at Smokingpipes

They come from a time where pipe smoking was far more prevalent so there would always be someone around to show a new smoker the ropes. I never realised just how accustomed to “gourmet” tobacco I had become until I recently bought a 12 oz. For years, I had avoided OTC tobacco and, after smoking this, I can see why some people might like it. It’s smooth, light in flavour, and not overly complicated (which can be a good thing and a bad thing). The flavour and aroma (courtesy of the casing more than the tobacco itself) was pleasant enough, and I didn’t notice the goop that I tend to get with more upscale aromatics. Despite these accolades, the tobacco is not complex enough to spark much interest.

Honestly, if I want to smoke Cavendish, there are many other options I would reach for before this. I’ve really tried to like Captain Black over the years. I wouldn’t describe it as a terrible tobacco, terrible tobaccos do exist. Rather, I would describe peterson pipes it as a good “training” tobacco. Something to teach the new smokers how to pace themselves and go slow without tasting awful or offering up too strong a flavor profile or kick. Puff too fast or too hard and it tears a hole in your tongue.

It is not an expensive buy, but it is worth its price. This tastes like the cherry lip gloss my older sister would buy and I would try to eat like candy. After a few puffs a faint vanilla joins the cherry. Sugar water with a cherry flavored cough drop stirred in. More vanilla, a touch of cinnamon-raisin. About the halfway point the cherry flavor has faded to just a tickle, but it’s very sweet now.

The roomnote was exactly what I remembered and at the time I figured that was what all tobaccos were like. Over time, I drifted away from it to smoke less aromatic blends, but it is still a trip down memory lane. God bless all you pipe smokers, take care of yourselves and have a good day!!! Wet sweet American style aromatic. Initially I liked the taste but after several smokes I started being overwhelmed and having a burnt mouth. The taste is vanila and chocolate.

(Cooking is one of my hobbies, so I know I can smell the difference.) I find that CBW burns cool without any gurgle and leaves a fine white ash at the bottom of the bowl. One light and a few well-timed tampers is all I need for a pipeful. It’s available almost anywhere, so if I should run short of tobacco on my travels, I can usually find it. And that’s about the only time I would probably buy it, but then with no remorse. It’s not a bad smoke by any means, although the flavor is a johnny-one-note.

Captain Black has been the biggest selling line of tobaccos in the United States for almost fifty years, and this one is the original. Captain Black Original (Regular) is a mixture of Virginia, Burley and Black Cavendish with a captain black tobacco distinctively warm, pleasantly sweet flavor and aroma. Try this great American classic -Captain Black Original. It is full of different aromas and flavors. As vanilla-flavored as it can feel, it also has a nutty finish to it.

I’ve tried a lot of others after that, but I always return to CBW. I had never really had any interest of trying this tobacco at all. Everyone always bashed it and said it was crap and whatnot. Well, a few days ago i finally picked up a pouch, figuring what the hey, maybe i will try it. First off, it honestly was not as wet as everyone always says. A little damp, yes, but nothing too bad.

Overall, it’s not a terrible tobacco, but not spectacular either. It’s just your run-of-the-mill drug store blend. I cannot see it becoming a permanent addition in my tobacco collection, though I wouldn’t mind smoking it from time to time, at least for the nostalgic value.

Wouldn’t recommend this to anyone as a first tobacco as it will leave a sour stain on your opinion of pipe smoking, like it did for me at first. Luckily, I discovered decent tobacco and threw away the remaining Captain Black. My first chacom tobacco pipes tobacco ever was borkum riff. And it was so bad, that I almost threw away my pipe along with it. But I decided to give pipe smoking another chance with captain black white, and that was when I fell in love with pipe smoking.