My suspicion is that they soak some light cavendish in cherry goop and mix that with Captain Black Original to produce this blend. It’s really hard to find anything bad to say about Captain Black Regular. Many “drug store” tobaccos and aromatic tobaccos get panned by reviewers as being too sweet, artificial tasting, tongue-biting, hot burning, tasteless disasters. Captain Black has that pipe tobacco smell that instantly brings you back to simpler times. Captain Black has got to be one of the best mass-market distributed pipe tobaccos out there.

The first time I smoked Captain Black Gold, I was drinking a Cabernet Sauvignon and it just didn’t work. I thought I didn’t like the Gold, but on my second try with just a glass of water, I enjoyed it much more. The Gold is the naturally sweetest of the three. There are lots of sugars in this, and top-o-matic cigarette machine it can bite you if you push it too hard, but it is still a nice sweet Virginia. In the photo and descriptions above, you can see a side by side comparison of the different tobaccos that make up each blend, how they look and taste different. All three are mellow with a pleasant taste and room note.

A return of cherry lip gloss joins in with sugary-vanilla-salt-lemon-vinegar. For the seasoned cigar aficionado on the hunt for an unforgettable smoke or the newcomer with a developing palate,  is your place for an extraordinary smoking experience. To experience a middle ground between the sweet black cavendish of Captain Black Regular and the sweet Virginias of Captain Black Gold, Captain Black Royal is toned-down and great for smoking all day.

Its slightly elevated complexity, when compared to other Captain Black blends, makes this a blend that burns clean with a pleasant flavor and room note. The toppings include honey, vanilla, caramel, and a touch of molasses captain black tobacco that mix with the sugary black cavendish for a distinguished and satisfying smoke experience. This refined blend is one of the brand’s most highly regarded, and its experience caters to a wide variety of preferences.

They come from a time where pipe smoking was far more prevalent so there would always be someone around to show a new smoker the ropes. They also came from a time where manual transmission was not just called standard but was the standard, when taxes were done by hand, and we were plotting our way to the stars with slide rules. Captain Black Original certainly provides the sociable portion of the pipe smoking experience, emitting a warm tobacco and vanilla smell. If you buy a pipe tobacco aroma candle, you would want it to smell like this humble white pouch. This tastes like the cherry lip gloss my older sister would buy and I would try to eat like candy.

SMOKE & ROOM NOTEThe heavy cavendish component gives all of these tobaccos a silky mouthfeel, but the smoke is strangely thin. Captain Black Gold is much more natural in aroma, hay, a hint of vanilla, and bit of an ammonia off-note. Individual reviews are the opinion(s) of the contributors and do not reflect the opinion(s) of STC Holdings LLC. MacBaren has a full line of Captain Black inspired tobaccos which are usually ranked higher than the original, all under the Seven Seas line.