Kent Bikes?

There’s a whole hell of a lot doctors don’t know. One night a few year ago I’m riding one of my favorite trails and a deer comes crashing out of the brush and slams into my front kent bike wheel. Right as we both go down a big gray dog jumps on the deer and tears its throat open. Because I’m an idiot, I try to smack the dog away and it takes a nip at me.

kent mountain bike

Yeah, there’s animals but you know they are mostly more scared of you than you are of them and riding a trail by the light of a full moon is pretty much a magical experience. We all get breaks in life, some are bad, some are good, and a hell of a lot of them are what you make of them. And we all get our share of obsessions, beats me where they come from, but sometimes they save you and sometimes they destroy you. First one’s free, I bet you understand that. Anyhow, I got hooked on something that’s mostly healthy and I guess that saved my life.

The new element is active illumination of the cyclist’s legs. The Orp is an electronic horn & light combo that I used to think was too loud but given how distracted everybody is these days I’ve decided it is damn handy. Steve’s gift cog came in the mail and I mounted it to the wheel using loctite. I’m not one of those hipster kid fixie riders who run no brakes and skid stop so the loctite should be sufficient. I have both front and rear brakes with really good brake pads and I use them PLUS my legs to slow down and stop. Since I’d gotten this bike for so little I wanted to keep that frugal trend going and see how little I could spend.

Alpha-gal is something I’d never heard of and it’s not some high-status chick, it’s a disease like Lyme Disease that you get from kent electric bike a tick bite. There are a hell of a lot of ticks in the woods. You probably want to be careful around that deer head I left you.

I’m retired, I have three perfectly good bikes and to be honest, one would really do just fine for the riding I’m doing these days. So it really hasn’t changed my life that much. Once a month, just as it’s getting dark, I hop on my bike and kent bike head for the hills. I said mostly healthy because I don’t think anybody thinks of broken collarbones or Alpha-gal Syndrome as healthy things. I’m the guy who broke his collarbone and my pal Nick is the one who got Alpha-gal Syndrome.