Mountain Bikes, Road Bikes, E-Bikes, and More

It’s something that’s always been a bit of a puzzle for us when it comes to bikes. They spend a lot of time on the suspension for added comfort and forget about the seat. Don’t get us wrong; it’s okay if you’re taking it on the odd ride, or if you’re riding short distances.

Schwinn is an independent brand with its manufacturing processes. However, some Schwinn bikes might be produced in the same factories schwinn mountain bike as Giant bikes in Asia. On the bright side, getting a new seat and replacing the old one with it is simple enough.

In reality, mass-market French manufacturers such as Peugeot were not infrequently criticized for material and assembly quality — as well as stagnant technology — in their low- and mid-level product lines. Nevertheless, Peugeot proudly advertised its victorious racing heritage at every opportunity. By 1979, even the Paramount had been passed, technologically speaking, by a new generation of American as well as foreign custom bicycle manufacturers. Another problem was Schwinn’s failure to design and market its bicycles to specific, identifiable buyers, especially the growing number of cyclists interested in road racing or touring. Instead, most Schwinn derailleur bikes were marketed to the general leisure market, equipped with heavy “old timer” accessories such as kickstands that cycling aficionados had long since abandoned. While the Paramount still sold in limited numbers to this market, the model’s customer base began to age, changing from primarily bike racers to older, wealthier riders looking for the ultimate bicycle.

I sometimes wonder where I would be today if she had just asked to go out for a cheeseburger, beer and a couple cigarettes. I was more for double cheeseburgers, Budweiser beer and Marlboro Lights. There were bicycles when I was in grade school, but those were for going block to block to see friends and immediately throwing them to the ground behind a parent’s car in the driveway. Most of the bicycles of my youth (think of the 70’s) were rolling tetanus sleds full of rust just waiting to infect. As detailed in a previous post, “My first Bike“, I would be up early and turning pedals. Sadly, as soon as a driver’s permit had my name on it, I dropped cycling from my life faster than you could say “parachute pants” (Oh the 80’s!).

This bike seemed like it was ready to take on any trail or obstacle. Nevertheless, the Boundary is a dependable mountain bike that provides an excellent riding experience on the trail or neighborhood streets. Covered in frosted black with green metal sheets that complete the mountain bike’s sleek and accurate appearance, the Schwinn Boundary might seem a bit similar to a standard mountain bike. However, the thickened shock forks bring the crown closer to make it look more appealing.