Chacom Churchwarden Smoking Pipe

However, it is actually the mountain range that Chacom names these pipes after, fitting into the company’s history of paying homage to French regions, culture, or history. Made of briar, Chacom pipes follow rigorous manufacturing steps, which ensure them an optimal quality. It is on this concern for a job well done that the reputation of Chacom pipes has been built among pipe lovers.

La Bruyere employed over 450 workers, producing 100,000’s of pipes annually for the world markets. In 1945 at the end of the Second World War, Chacom got its independence again and began working on more modern designs with some of St Claude’s more skilled artisan carvers. Various name changes and wrangling with the owners didn’t stop Chacom from becoming on of the biggest names in France, Belguim, Japan, Germany, Scandinavia and America. After the “Great War” the St Claude factory is renamed is “CHAPUIS COMOY & Cie”.

The Spigot collection that we chose to present on this webpage is a staple of the brand that regroups high-end models. Chacom pipes of the Spigot collection are characterized by their robust and long-lasting assembly. The “spigot” system is characterized by the two chromed bands (one on the shank and one on the stem) that will strengthen the junction between both parts. Each Chacom Spigot pipe is carefully worked in order to put forward the natural grain of the briar, for a magnificent result.

The stem was very damaged with a bite through on the top side and much chewing around the edges of the stem. The bowl is very dirty with little room in the bowl – thick cake and lots of overflow on to the back side of the rim.I reamed the bowl with chacom tobacco pipes reamers. I cleaned the mortise, and the airway in the shank and stem with pipe cleaners and alcohol. You can see what the bowl looks like now in the next two photos. Using the syringe, I add the alcohol to the salt, topping it up to the bowl brim.

Having been sorted, the pieces of wood are dried naturally during 6-month period on racks and are turned over regularly. Following grading, the various stages of manufacture are carried out by master pipe craftsmen. Click here to see more chacom pipes with free shipping included.

The brand Chacom Chacom, créateur et distributeur de pipes turned up (1934) after fusion of Chapuis-Comoy with La Bruyère. Yves Grenard (†2012), second cousin of Pierre Comoy headed the company from 1971. He was responsible for Chapuis Comoy’s recovering its independance from Comoy. His son Antoine Grenard took over the direction of the company in 2007.

Suffice to say that the consistency should be such that it should not be too runny but just sufficient to spread smoothly and evenly over the intended surface. First timers like me, do not worry too much, even I did not understand what should be the ideal consistency (LoL). From the pictures below, it is amply evident that I did not achieve the exact consistency I desired, but no issues, it still worked!!!

Following the death of Henri in 1924, the company (London & St Claude factories) is taken over by Paul & Adrian Comoy with help from Emile & Louis Chapius. By 1928 the London Chacom factory had begun completely making pipes in London and the supplies from St Claude were no longer required. Rather than closing the original factory the company was renamed Comoy (a combination of both names) in 1928. Shapes, ranges and grading remained the same between the two factories and Chacom was only sold in France, Switzerland and Belguim. You may be smoking too fast or you use a poor-quality tobacco. If you feel that the packing is too tight or the hole is blocked, empty the tobacco and try again.

I prepared a fresh mixture of CA glue and activated charcoal and applied it to area to be filled. After curing, when I tried to file it down, I realized that shiny dots were visible. On close observation, these tiny dots were air pockets which were trapped during application and subsequent curing. I discussed with Mr. Steve who advised me to fill the spots with glue only. I did so and let it cure for 2 days.I sanded down the fill and realized bigger air pockets were now exposed. It is unfortunate that I did not take pictures of these issues and processes as I was too engrossed and concentrating on getting the filling right.

chacom tobacco pipes

I wrote Charles Lemon of Dad’s Pipes who is the go to guy for all things Brigham and asked him about the pipe. He said it was a shape he did not have and did not have on his shape chart. I thought about it overnight and sent it off to him on Monday morning. I look forward to his blog on this pipe as it is a really Danish looking Brigham. Your reference point for online purchases of pipes , lighters , pens , gifts and more. Every month amazing offers await our customers , come visit us often and sign up to the newsletter to stay informed .