Captain Black Regular Pipe Tobacco 7 oz Can

Most pipe tobaccos, and the majority of our tobaccos, are cut following the casing and top flavor process. This tobacco is sun-cured and grown in Southern Europe and the Middle East. These blends are known for their lower nicotine content and highly aromatic flavor. A little over six years after the opening of that first retail outlet, Smoker’s Outlet Online was born. Rick Black Cavendish tobaccos, steamed to seal in the flavor and character of the leaf.

Among the imported brands, cigarette “pine” contained the lowest amounts of nicotine and cigarette “Winston” contained the highest amounts of nicotine (14.40 mg). The percentage of nicotine in these imported brands was different. Statistical analysis showed that in imported brands, there was a significant difference in the amounts and percentage of nicotine between the cigarettes randomly chosen from four different packs of each brands. For a tobacco so ubiquitous, so marketed to the novice pipe smoker, Captain Black tobaccos are incredibly challenging to smoke. They come from a time where pipe smoking was far more prevalent so there would always be someone around to show a new smoker the ropes.

Black Cavendish cased with sweet vanilla makes up the base, with Burley and Virginia playing their part perfectly. A creamy, smooth, and always fulfilling smoke has been the joy of every pipe smoker who has embraced Captain Black Regular (White). Captain Black Pipe Tobaccos are the world’s largest-selling pipe blends and have been for well over 50 years. These Captain Black blends started the full-aromatic craze with their full, overwhelmingly pleasant aromas.

If you like Cavendish tobaccos, then you must read on. I recently smoked 3 peterson pipes of the 5 versions and enjoyed them all immensely. I smoked Captain Black Regular (white package), Captain Black Gold (gold package) and Captain Black Royal (dark blue package). The other two versions that I didn’t smoke are Captain Black Light (light blue package) and Captain Black Cherry (red package). You usually find Captain Black at various chain stores that sell pipe tobacco such as CVS Drug Stores, Walmart and other chains. Don’t let the chosen distribution chain for Captain Black fool you.

This is one of the few cases where the room note is superior to the tin note. Captain Black Gold smells like cigarettes which you tried to cover up with dollar store vanilla body spray. Captain Black Gold is well not quite gold, but in that direction. Most distinctly its much finer in cut than the other two Captain Black products reviewed here. It’s not shag but this will lead to a pretty quick burn without careful packing and puffing. A time-intensive process where tobacco leaves are hand-rolled into thin ropes up to 60 feet long, then compressed and sliced into medallions.

However I’ve not had a bowl yet of any of these tobaccos without having to nurse a burnt tongue for a day or two. On top of that both the Original and Red required numerous relights to coax the fire along. The Gold if anything burned too well, which added to the tongue bite I’m sure. I can’t tell if the nip on my tongue is pepper from the Virginia or tongue bite. It sweetens up with more salt and a strong lemon zest. Some toast comes in about halfway, but it is otherwise sweet, salty, lemon, strawberry, vanilla through most of the bowl.