Bentonville Bike Fest :: Celebration of the Bentonville bike culture

I’m not sure I know any cyclists or even bike people who could reasonably ride the SRD without having fun. In practice, that translated to the bars feeling significantly stiff. Regrettably ill-equipped for the scientific process, I’d estimate deflection over their ample span to be within the acceptable deflection tolerance over the same span for… Continue reading Bentonville Bike Fest :: Celebration of the Bentonville bike culture

Bentonville Bike Fest :: Celebration of the Bentonville bike culture

The real stars of the show were the grips, which were super comfortable, amazingly durable, had integrated bar ends, and were designed to be rotated with wear, which is unusual for lock-on grips. As for the dropper, I fiddled with it a few times at the start but otherwise just got it out of the… Continue reading Bentonville Bike Fest :: Celebration of the Bentonville bike culture