Peterson Pipes How Satisfied Are You with Them? :: Pipe Talk :: Pipe Smokers Forums of PipesMagazine com

I was told in no uncertain fashion that I had to adopt a more systematic approach! I tailored my approach to our own environment, which involved limited space. After some captain black tobacco investigation I decided on a system of storage using a large number of Peterson 12 pipe display cassettes enough to house my… Continue reading Peterson Pipes How Satisfied Are You with Them? :: Pipe Talk :: Pipe Smokers Forums of PipesMagazine com

Peterson Pipes How Satisfied Are You with Them? :: Pipe Talk :: Pipe Smokers Forums of PipesMagazine com

Peterson’s opinion is that people would get a pipe for two reasons. The first is the enjoyment you get from smoking quality pipe tobacco. The second is you get a specific pipe because of the “inherent beauty that is in the pipe.” As the oldest continuously operating briar pipe factory in the world, we at Peterson… Continue reading Peterson Pipes How Satisfied Are You with Them? :: Pipe Talk :: Pipe Smokers Forums of PipesMagazine com

Peterson Pipes How Satisfied Are You with Them? :: Pipe Talk :: Pipe Smokers Forums of PipesMagazine com

For what it is worth, I reckon the Deluxes are probably the best value range of pipes that Peterson produce, both in terms of functionality and value. Those who malign the brand because they’re made by the hundreds using machines, are very wrong, in my opinion. I like them a lot and the bang for… Continue reading Peterson Pipes How Satisfied Are You with Them? :: Pipe Talk :: Pipe Smokers Forums of PipesMagazine com

Peterson Pipes How Satisfied Are You with Them? :: Pipe Talk :: Pipe Smokers Forums of PipesMagazine com

In July of the same year he opened a new shop in 53 Grafton Street selling Briar and Meerschaum pipes. The Kapp brothers, George and Frederick originally emigrated to Great Britain from Nuremburg in Bavaria. They first appear in the London trade directories in 1866, when they are listed as Meerschaum pipe makers of 98… Continue reading Peterson Pipes How Satisfied Are You with Them? :: Pipe Talk :: Pipe Smokers Forums of PipesMagazine com

Peterson Pipes How Satisfied Are You with Them? :: Pipe Talk :: Pipe Smokers Forums of PipesMagazine com

The modern Captain Pete line available from Cup O’Joe’s is an exclusive issue by Peterson for the US retailer. They are XL size pipes that mirror the Kinsale and SH series of pipes with slightly shorter plip mouthpieces. At the end of the eighties just as the Sherlock Holmes range was being issued, Peterson reintroduced… Continue reading Peterson Pipes How Satisfied Are You with Them? :: Pipe Talk :: Pipe Smokers Forums of PipesMagazine com

My Captain Black Love Story :: Pipe Tobacco Discussion :: Pipe Smokers Forums of PipesMagazine com

Captain Black Regular Pipe Tobacco produces a nostalgic and classic pouch aroma and room note that will take you back to simpler times. Unlike some other aromatic tobaccos, this Captain Black Regular Pipe Tobacco stays lit for a long time, so you don’t have top-o-matic cigarette machine to worry about constant relights. It has a… Continue reading My Captain Black Love Story :: Pipe Tobacco Discussion :: Pipe Smokers Forums of PipesMagazine com

Chacom? :: General Pipe Smoking Discussion :: Pipe Smokers Forums of PipesMagazine com

Chacom really went to work creating memorable and exciting smoking pipes for the Jurrasic line. The stems on each pipe are white with darker, whispy coloring throughout. This gives off the impression of showing the smoke as it flows from the bowl into your mouth. The bowls all have shades of gray to them, with… Continue reading Chacom? :: General Pipe Smoking Discussion :: Pipe Smokers Forums of PipesMagazine com

My Captain Black Love Story :: Pipe Tobacco Discussion :: Pipe Smokers Forums of PipesMagazine com

Captain Black Regular Pipe Tobacco produces a nostalgic and classic pouch aroma and room note that will take you back to simpler times. Unlike some other aromatic tobaccos, this Captain Black Regular Pipe Tobacco stays lit for a long time, so you don’t have top-o-matic cigarette machine to worry about constant relights. It has a… Continue reading My Captain Black Love Story :: Pipe Tobacco Discussion :: Pipe Smokers Forums of PipesMagazine com

My Captain Black Love Story :: Pipe Tobacco Discussion :: Pipe Smokers Forums of PipesMagazine com

These blends are known for their lower nicotine content and highly aromatic flavor. Rich black Cavendish and mellowed burleys, exceptionally mild, delightfully aromatic. The thickest cut of pipe tobacco, Broad Cut is roughly twice as wide as Loose Cut. A variety of Virginia tobacco specially aged in rum and sugar. This smoke is better known… Continue reading My Captain Black Love Story :: Pipe Tobacco Discussion :: Pipe Smokers Forums of PipesMagazine com

Captain Black :: Pipe Tobacco Discussion :: Pipe Smokers Forums of PipesMagazine com

Of these three I am most likely to smoke the Original more than the other two, as the mix of warm, comforting flavors and some real tobacco flavor. I think the Gold is technically superior, but it’s lemony-vanilla taste is so close lemony captain black tobacco Virginias like MacBaren VA No 1 that I’d be… Continue reading Captain Black :: Pipe Tobacco Discussion :: Pipe Smokers Forums of PipesMagazine com